New! Remember Series
It has been on my heart lately how we need to emphasize remembering in our spiritual walk. Forgetting is an easy thing to do and hinders our relationship with the Lord. The Remember Series is meant to bring those topics to light.
Colossians 1:16 NASB
"For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him."
Last Tuesday, I was really hungry. I decided I wanted an omelet. I got out my eggs and my toaster. I plugged in the toaster and cracked the egg. When the toaster signaled it was done, I was devastated. There was no omelet. It was only a mess.
That's what happens when something is not used for what it was created for. When you try to cut paper with a stapler, it does not work. When you try to use a strainer as a pitcher, the strainer is not fulfilling its purpose. If a bird tried to moo, it would probably look silly. If a cow tried to fly, it would be a sad ending for a cow.
I am glad to say that the story about last Tuesday was only for illustrative purposes. However, I cannot say the same for mankind. I have been reading Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, and he brings up this point. Warren says, "The ultimate goal of the universe is to show the glory of God." (I definitely recommend this book).
“In order to keep us from becoming too attached to earth, God allows us to feel a significant amount of discontent and dissatisfaction in life – longings that will never be fulfilled on this side of eternity.” Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life
As Christians, we know we are not promised an easy life, but we are promised relief (John 16:33). One way to accept this relief is to REMEMBER! We need to remember our purpose. If we remember that God created us for more than what the world has to offer, then we can be content where we are.
These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.
When humans try to live for a different purpose, the results are devasting. They fight each other on the basis of their own desires, whether that is survival, greed, power, control, beliefs, or even their own loved ones. Their inherent purpose has been rejected and lost over generations. Remember what happens to created objects when they are not used for their created purposes? Humans would end up as metaphorical misused toasters. Remembering our inherent purpose is a game changer.
Our Purpose is God's Glory
Like everything in creation, we were created for God's glory. Proverbs 16 says, "The Lord has made everything for his own purposes." When we remember this, we experience a peace that transcends this world.
"What is the glory of God? It is who God is. It is the essence of his nature, the weight of his importance, the radiance of his splendor, the demonstration of his power, and the atmosphere of his presence. God's glory is the expression of his goodness and all his other intrinsic, eternal qualities." Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life
Perhaps you are reading this, and you do not know what I am talking about. God is the Creator of the universe. As the Creator, He has the right to determine what His creation will look like and be used for. As the awesome, loving, and just God, He has inherent glory. This means nothing can take away or add to God's glory. This also means for humans who are a part of God's creation, we are to give Him glory. However, we fail to do that on our own. We naturally choose ourselves over God. We want to have all of God's glory when we deserve none of it. We are cursed. The only way we can fulfill our purpose of giving God glory is with God's help. Because God loves us, He offers an invitation to all mankind to stop chasing after things that do not make sense. He made a way through His Son Jesus who made the sacrifice necessary to overcome the curse and resurrected from the dead. When people choose to acknowledge that they cannot fulfill their purpose on their own, believe that Jesus can save them, and confess that they need Jesus to save them, they get to live for what they were created for. There is more to life than what you can see, and Jesus is the answer.
How do I live out my purpose?
In order to give God glory, we should desire for our actions to fall into at least one of The Purpose Driven Life's five overarching categories (This is just one way to describe God-glorifying actions).
Worship God (Enjoy/Love)
Love Other Believers
Become Like Christ (Sanctification)
Serving Others with Our Gifts
Tell Others About Him (The Great Commission)
Things to Remember
We are made for more than what this world offers. We are made for more than what we can see.
God deserves glory.
To live outside of one's purpose removes the ability of fulfilling one's purpose.
Dig In Deeper
List a specific example of how you have done one of each of the following categories:
Worship God (Enjoy/Love)
Love Other Believers
Become Like Christ (Sanctification)
Serving Others with Our Gifts
Tell Others About Him (The Great Commission)
Am I holding back from giving it all to God in any area of my life?
What is one way I can use what God has given me to love and serve other believers?
Who is one person I know who does not know Jesus and how can I reach out to them this week?
Take a few minutes to enjoy God's presence. Think about what He has done for you and how awesome His character is.